This is our free snow flake stained glass stepping stone pattern. It is a very popular pattern and fairly easy to cut. People normally use a white glass and a blue or green cement. These make excellent Christmas gifts. The pattern fits well into a round or octagon mold. You can click on the pattern to see it full size then to save the pattern simply right click on the image and choose “save image as” then save it to your desktop or a folder created for patterns on your computer. The image can be re-sized in a graphics program to fit your stepping stone mold. You can also modify the image in other ways while in the graphics program. Just resizing is needed for stone projects, but if you are going to make a stained glass panel you will need to add pieces to fill in around the snowflake. There are several stepping stone pattern enlargement programs available. In the Stepping Stone Products widget featured below we have some patterns, diamondcrete, molds and also a stained glass pattern re-sizer program. The resizing program, called “Rapid Re-sizer” , is popular and I highly recommend it.
Steven Cole (Economics, MBA – University of West Florida, Business & Innovation – Stanford University) 22 years experience in the safety business.